Hi all, Thanks to everyone who offered me assistance with my syntax problem: Jerome Parkin, Dorothy Luckie (I sympathize with you regarding the calculator's wiping out the equation instead of just giving you an error message), Craig Von Hagen, Christopher Leishman, Jozsef Fabian, Matthew Franz, Bob Hallett and Stu Smith. My problem was with syntax to help me remove the first two characters from a string in a database field using the field calculator. Although I received many different ways of handling this, the best and quickest two are as follows: [NewField] = [ OldField].Right(OldField.Count -2) or [NewField] = [OldField].middle(2,14) It appears that ArcView character positions begin with 0. So I said start with position 2 and keep the middle characters through position 14. This covered all strings, as they were of different lengths but I consistently wanted to remove the first two characters for all records. Thanks again to all. Nancy West GIS Analyst House Democratic Caucus (360) 786-7843 "Man must evolve for all human conflict a method which rejects revenge, aggression and retaliation. The foundation of such a method is love." Martin Luther King Jr., from his acceptance speech for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964